Troubleshooting Wurstmod

Listed below are common errors / mistakes for WurstMod and custom maps.

I have installed a custom map but I don't see it in-game.

Depending on the type of the map it can be found in two different places:

If it is a custom Take and Hold level it will be located on the vanilla level selection panel in the Take and Hold Lobby (the room where you eat the hotdog to start a game of TNH). The panel between the settings and the leaderboard will have arrows on it, cycle through until you reach the custom level and eat the hotdog as normal.

Custom sandbox scenes will be located in the main menu directly behind you when you load into the game. Just like with the other vanilla scenes you must point at it and pull the trigger to select it, then head over to the panel and select load just as you would with a normal vanilla scene.

Getting Assistance

If this article did not help to solve your issue then your next step is to ask for help in the #modding-help channel of the main H3VR server. Be sure to include your BepInEx log and as much information about your issue as you can.