Many mods are created differently, so on this page you will find links to articles and guides for how to make mods of each type.

Custom Objects

Tutorial Notes
Devyn's Custom Weapon video tutorial playlist This guide can be adapted for nearly any custom object and is highly recommended. This is currently the only implementation tutorial that starts from the basics, so it's recommended to watch this tutorial before anything else.
gamernayr's Custom Ammo tutorial Follow along to make custom ammo, no assets required.
gamernayr's modular weapon tutorial This tutorial goes over converting weapons into modular ones, basing the structure off of previously created modul-series mods to ensure cross compatibility.
gamernayr's pre-attached attachments tutorial Integrated attachments and other defaulting mods can be used after reading this tutorial.
gamernayr's Grenade tutorial The basics on making grenades. Having some previous unity knowledge is highly recommended.
Sora101TD's Unity Modmaking Tutorials Ten videos, start to finish, walking through how a custom gun is made.

Custom Code

Tutorial Notes
An introduction to scripting Introductory series to setting up and creating code plugins for H3VR.
Unity 5.6 Documentation As all BepInEx plugins are just MonoBehaviours, all of the Unity documentation applies.
BepInEx - Writing A Basic Plugin BepInEx is the mod loader used for all H3VR mods.
Harmony2.0 - Introduction Harmony is a patching framework used to hook and modify existing code in-game.

Custom Maps

Tutorial Notes
(Recommended) Atlas getting started guide Simple guide for getting started with Atlas, the next generation of mapping tools for H3VR
(Legacy) Wurstmod - Setting Up Your Environment A basic guide from Wurstmod on setting up your environment to make and export H3VR maps.
NunSuperior's Map Modding Tips NunSuperior's video is a very in-depth guide into almost every facet of making a map.
NunSuperior's Modded Map Performance Tips A short but useful document to increase performance in maps.

Custom Skins/Sounds

Tutorial Notes
Sora101TD's Skin Making tutorial This guide is useful for making sound replacements to, or changing the assets of any other object in H3VR such as the textures for clay pots.
Sora101TD's Custom TNH Hold Music tutorial The best (only) take and hold music tutorial.

Custom Characters

Tutorial Notes
Devyndamonster's Making A Custom Character tutorial The original tutorial for making custom characters. Recommended as a starting point, covers most subjects.
SirPotato's Custom Character Creation Guide A newer, complete tutorial for that guides you through the entire process for creating a custom character and publishing to Thunderstore.

Packaging Mods (LEGACY)

These articles are considered legacy as they refer to processes which are no longer current.

Tutorial Notes
gamernayr's packing Deli mods How to properly pack mods for the Deli file structure.
Devyndamonster's Otherloader on-demand loading The guide shows you how to use on-demand loading for the new version of otherloader. Not required.
Ash's Mason quick-start guide The basics on how to package a mod for Stratum/Mason.
gamernayr's Making Modpacks Got a list a mods you would like to share with the community? Take a look at this guide for making a modpack.
Stratum GUIDs And Loaders A list of Stratum loaders and their respective GUIDs.
Packaging Mods For Thunderstore A step-by-step tutorial on how to package your mod for Thunderstore.