Deli is a popular format of packaging mods, and can be anything from maps, code mods, or guns.

All a .deli file is, is a .zip renamed.

Recognizing what mod you have

Deli supports the following mod types:

If you have a sound mod or an asset replacement, you need Sideloader.

The Manifest

Copy this text into a file called manifest.json:

  "guid": "",
  "version": "",
  "require": "0.4.1",
  "dependencies": {
  "name": "",
  "description": "",
  "authors": [
  "assets": {

Change the fields to match your mod:

The following sections are mod type specific, and tell you what you need to place in your "assets"

Custom Characters

Here is the file structure of the .deli file:


Your character.json file should be inside of a folder, named anything you want. In this example I used the character name. Your sosigs should have the "sosig_" prefix, and your vault files should have the "vault_" prefix.

This should make the following list for you to copy into your "asssets" list:

        "setup": {
"character/": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:character",
"character/sosig_*.json": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:sosig",
"character/*vault*.json": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:vault_file"

For an example of a completed manifest:

  "guid": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "require": "0.4.2",
  "dependencies": {
  "name": "CoolMod",
  "description": "",
  "authors": [
  "assets": {
    "setup": {
      "character/": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:character",
      "character/sosig_*.json": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:sosig",
      "character/*vault*.json": "h3vr.tnhtweaker.deli:vault_file"


This section is still in development, come back later.


Here is the file structure of the .deli file:


Your item is the assetbundle created through Unity. You do not need to include its .manifest file, but you can. Do NOT reference this file inside of the manifest.

This should make the following list for you to copy into your "asssets" list:

        "runtime": {
"item": "h3vr.otherloader.deli:item"

Making the example look like:

  "guid": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "require": "0.4.2",
  "dependencies": {
  "name": "CoolMod",
  "description": "",
  "authors": [
  "assets": {
    "runtime": {
      "item": "h3vr.otherloader.deli:item"