Pre-attached attachments allow for a myriad of different functions, and is used not just for modular weapons.

The script can be located here: PreattachedAttachment script . Thanks to Cityrobo for providing this script.

Setting the script up

  1. Once you click on the link above, click the Raw button on the top right of the text window.

  2. Once it opens the new page, hit ctrl + s on your keyboard, and save it somewhere safe.

  3. Move script into your unity project (it should work anywhere as long as it's in the Assets/ folder)

  4. Open the script in a notepad program.

  5. Edit the file so it resembles the below example. Notice that the only change is the addition of // to the line attachment.AttachToMount(mount, false);

    using UnityEngine;
    using FistVR;
    namespace Cityrobo
        public class PreattachedAttachment : MonoBehaviour
            public FVRFireArmAttachment attachment;
            public FVRFireArmAttachmentMount mount;
            public void Start()
                //attachment.AttachToMount(mount, false);

Using it

There are a few things you need to make sure you have on your main prefab (your firearm):

After you have those done, simply add a new component (in the inspector window) to an empty game object. If you did it right, it should show up like this:


Fill in the mount and the attachment its attaching to by dragging and dropping them.


As of writing this, you need to include the .dll file inside of your .deli file so that the gun functions. In the future, the script will be included in H3VRUtilities so instead just add it's dependency string to your Thunderstore manifest.

This means that you need to:

  1. Include this .dll file inside of your .deli file.

  2. In your Deli manifest, include an assembly reference in a setup stage. Below is an example.

        "assets" :{
            "setup": {
                "PreattachedAttachment.dll": "deli:assembly"